Winter Storm Advisory Update - February 13, 2025
Snow squalls, blowing snow and additional snowfall is expected to continue this evening, throughout the weekend and into Monday. During these conditions, there will be significantly reduced and/or zero visibility at times. Driving conditions will be diminished due to drifting, blowing and accumulating snow. The Roads Department urges residents to restrict travel to essential only until the conditions improve and while they work to maintain the road network.
Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada.
Building Permit Services - January 2025
Planning Notices
The Township of Amaranth will now be placing all Planning Notices on the Township website at the following link:
Welcome to our new website! Remember to sign up to our News and Notices to receive email updates on what is happening in the Township.
Yard waste season begins in April!
Collection for Yard Waste Week A: Orangeville & Yard Waste Rural areas begins the week of April 1st.
There will be NO interruptions to waste collection over the Canada Day holiday. Please place all Garbage, Blue Boxes & Green Bins out for collection on your REGULAR collection day during the week of July 3rd. For missed collections, call GFL at 1.888.941.3345 ext. 1.
Starting July 1st Blue Box transition will be in effect. Circular Materials Ontario (CMO) will oversee the residential Blue Box program in Dufferin County. Please direct all residential recycling inquiries to CMO’s contractor GFL.
There will be NO INTERRUPTIONS to waste collection over Easter. Please place all garbage, Blue Boxes and Green Bins out for collection on your REGULAR collection day next week.
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