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Planning & Development

The Planning department places controls on land use and oversees development of lands in the Municipality. This includes creating an official plan, conforming to zoning by-laws and implementing development charges.

The Council of the Township of Amaranth passed a municipal-wide Development Charges By-law 40-2024 on August 7, 2024. The 2024 Development Charges came into effect on August 8, 2024. The development charges are indexed annually on January 1st.

Development Charges Brochure - 2025

Notice of Passing of Development Charge By-law
Any person or organization may appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal under section 14 of the Act, in respect of the Development Charges by-law, by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Amaranth on or before the 16th day of September, 2024, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons supporting the objection.

Development Charges Background Study
The Township retained Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. to complete a Development Charge Background Study. This study provided the basis for updating the Township's Development Charges By-law. 

2024 Development Charges Study

Dufferin County maintains an interactive mapping site that can be used to search parcel data, view topographical mapping, view municipal boundaries, review traffic data, and more.

Dufferin County Interactive Mapping

The Township's Official Plan Review is underway.  Updates and information will be posted on the website.

Official Plan 2004

The Official Plans contain objectives and policies established primarily to provide guidance or the development of a municipality. Official Plan Amendments may be obtained from time to time by following the applicable amendment process.  Information can be obtained at the Municipal Office and forms available below.

Office Consolidation text NOT including Official Plan Amendment 4

Please visit our Applications, Licences and Permits webpage for the Application for Official Plan Amendment

Official Plan Amendment Number 4 Documents

Planning Notices

Consent(Severances) Applications

Zoning By-Law Amendment / Temporary Use Applications

Sarah Properties Limited

Sarah Properties Proposed Plan of Subdivision




If you wish to see a report that is not linked, please contact our office at 519-941-1007.  




Terraprobe Inc. – Phase One ESA

 July 4, 2011



Archaeological Assessment Ltd. – Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment

 June 27, 2011



Archaeological Assessment Ltd. – Stage 2-3 Archaeological Assessment

 December 8, 2014



HDR – Traffic Impact Study

 January 28, 2015



Beacon Environmental – Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) Assessment   

 February 2015



Beacon Environmental – Tree Inventory and Preservation Plan

 February 13, 2015



Beacon Environmental – Tree Inventory and Preservation Plan – Drawings




Terraprobe Inc. – Geotechnical Investigation            

 April 15, 2015



Terraprobe Inc. – Preliminary Hydrogeological Investigation

 April 16, 2015



IBI Group – Financial Impact Assessment

 April 23, 2015



Crozier & Associates – Functional Servicing, Preliminary Stormwater Management Report

 May 2015



Chung & Vander Doelen – Phase 1 ESA

 March 31, 2016



Zelinka Priamo Ltd. – Application Letter

 June 17, 2015



Zelinka Priamo Ltd. – Planning Justification Report

 June 17, 2015



Chung & Vander Doelen – Groundwater  Supply Feasibility Assessment

 June 22, 2016



Chung & Vander Doelen – Groundwater Supply Feasibility Assessment - Appendix B Figures

 June 22, 2016



C.C. Tatham – Response Letter

 June 29, 2016



Zelinka Priamo Ltd. – Addendum to Planning Justification Report

 July 13, 2016



Zelinka Priamo Ltd. – Additional Information Letter

 July 13, 2016



Zelinka Priamo Ltd. – Draft OPA and ZBA




Crozier - Drawings




Zelinka Priamo Ltd. – Draft Plan of Subdivision

 August 29, 2016



C.C. Tatham – Response Letter

 September 20, 2016



Zelinka Priamo Ltd. – Additional Information Letter

 September 21, 2016



XCG – Assimilative Capacity Study Summary Document

 January 11, 2017



Waldemar WWTP Class EA Process




HDR – Traffic Impact Study Update

 April 4, 2017



Township of Amaranth Response to C.C. Tatham & Associates Ltd. Re: Waldemar Wastewater Treatment and Effluent Disposal Class EA Phases 1 and 2- Invitation to Comment 

 July 14, 2017



CC Tatham Response to Comments

 November 28, 2017



CC Tatham Response - EA Phase 2 Conclusion

 March 12, 2018



CC Tatham Response - EA Phase 2 Conclusion

 March 20, 2018



Class EA Correspondence Package (Received April 10, 2018)




C.C. Tatham – Wastewater Treatment and Effluent Disposal Class EA Phases 1 & 2

 March 2018




Wellings Planning Report  

 June 8, 2018


Centurian Development

Local Planning Appeal Support Centre Documents


Jim Brown & Sons - Local Planning Appeal Tribunal - Notice of Decision


Apreda/Insco & Dufferin (County) v. Amaranth (Township) - Local Planning Appeal Tribunal - Decision and Order - PL 190487 

The Township is responsible for applications for Severances or Consents.  Please email the planning department with any questions at

Please visit our Applications, Licences and Permits webpage for the Consent Application and Agent Authorization Form.

Any importation/exportation of soil requires Township approval and/or Conservation Authority permit prior to any site alteration. Applications must be requested in writing for approval by Council in accordance with the Site Alteration By-Law. Violations will be investigated and appropriate action taken.

The Township of Amaranth enacted By-law 65-2009 to Prohibit or Regulate the Placing or Dumping of Fill, Removal of Topsoil and the Alteration of the Grade of Land, as amended by By-law 28-2014 and By-law 44-2017 to control and regulate the site alteration and the placement of fill on sites across the municipality.

Office Consolidation of By-laws 65-2009, 28-2014 and 44-2017

Permits may also be required from the Conservation Authorities for fill placement, even if exempt under the Bylaw .

We offer the following advice to Landowners who are considering bringing fill onto their properties or who are being approached by companies offering to deposit fill on their properties:

  1. Landowners must consult with the Township, and other agencies noted above, to ensure that either permits have been received or permits are available from the Township (unless the filling proposal is exempt under the By-law).
  2. Landowners are responsible for fill placed on their property illegally and the landowners will be prosecuted by the Municipality.
  3. Landowners are responsible for the quality of fill entering their properties, and the potential environmental and financial liability for, and clean-up of, contaminated fill.
  4. Clean up of contaminated sites can result in significant costs being incurred by the landowners to restore the properties.

Site Alteration Information Package

Application for Site Alteration Permit

Current Applications

Amarlinc Earth Works - Fill Management Plan proposal at 513151 2nd Line, Amaranth 


Get detailed information on responsibilities for managing, transporting, reusing, and disposing of excess soil in O. Reg. 406/19: On-Site and Excess Soil Management (the regulation).

Excess Soil Fact Sheet

The Site Plan Approval is an essential component of the development review process.  It is intended to:

  • Complement the objectives of the Official Plan; conform to the requirements of the Zoning By-Law and other appropriate by-laws/regulations;
  • Eliminate or reduce negative impacts on adjacent land uses;
  • Provide clear guidelines to help streamline and speed up the approval process.

Please visit our Applications, Licences and Permits webpage for the Site Plan Application and Procedure for Site Plan Approval.

Zoning By-law 2-2009 (December 2010 Consolidation)

The Township Zoning By-Law is a legal document, which is used to control the development of properties and buildings.  Zoning classifies properties into Zones such Agricultural, Rural, Estate Residential, etc.  Each of these Zones has legally enforceable regulations attached to them such as the location and size of buildings, etc.  The December 2010 Consolidation includes any amendments to date. 

Changes to the Zoning By-Law may be required.  Information regarding these processes and applications forms can be obtained at the Municipality or by using the links below:

Please visit our Applications, Licences and Permits webpage for the Application for Zoning By-law Amendment. 

Please visit our By-Law page for the Fees and Charges By-Law.

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