Administration/Clerks | ||||||||||||||||||
The Office of the Clerk provides support to Council and other Committees in the form of meeting management, preparation of agendas, by-laws and minutes.
Commissioner of Oaths Commissioners are regulated under the Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter C.17, and are authorized to take an oath or solemn affirmation when a deponent or declarant is signing an affidavit or statutory declaration. A Commissioner does not certify the statements being made in the affidavit or statutory declaration are true, but only certifies that an oath or solemn affirmation has been administered properly.
The Township of Amaranth has Commissioners of Oaths that are available to commission Township and government documents. We recommend you call the Office at 519-941-1007 in advance to book an appointment to ensure a Commissioner of Oaths is available and authorized to sign your particular document(s). The Township does NOT offer virtual commissioning services.
A Commissioner of Oaths, also known as a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits, is not the same as a Notary Public. A Notary Public has much broader authority. If your document requires the signature of a Notary Public, or you require certified copies of documents, then you will need to contact a lawyer or a Notary.
The person(s) signing the affidavit must appear before the Commissioner and must show proof of identity via Government issued photo identification such as a driver’s license, or passport. The person(s) signing the affidavit must sign the document in the presence of the Commissioner.
There is no guarantee that a document can be commissioned until the document is seen by the Commissioner. It is at the exclusive discretion of the individual Commissioner whether or not they choose to sign the document. Commissioner of Oaths have the right to refuse commissioning services on any document. The signing of the affidavit must be completed in the presence of the Commissioner. The Commissioner shall not commission the document if it was not signed in their presence. The Commissioner will affix their stamp to the document, certifying that the required oath, affirmation or declaration has been properly administered. The Commissioner cannot witness documents where there is a requirement to personally know the person for a certain length of time, ie. Passport Guarantor.
Documents the Township will Commission (including but not limited to):
Documents the Township Will NOT Commission:
Planning and Development | ||||||||||||||||||
Public Works |
Bridges 2023 OSIM Bridge Inspections Report Waldemar Pumphouse Valve Replacements - October 2021The Township of Amaranth recently awarded H2Ontario Incorporated the contract to replace valves in the Waldemar Pumphouse. The project is scheduled to take place over three weeks from Tuesday, October 12, 2021 to Friday, October 29, 2021. The project is restricted to the area around the Waldemar pumphouse with all work areas fenced off from the public. Work will take place between 7:30AM to 4:30PM, Monday to Friday. Traffic and pedestrian control measures will be put in place on the laneway to Waldemar Park but there will be no interference with Station Street. Project Contacts are listed below in case of issues/complaints.
Project Contacts:
Road Needs StudyR.J Burnside & Associates Limited (Burnside) was retained by the Township of Amaranth to conduct a Road Needs Study (RNS). This RNS provides an inventory of the Township's road network, establishes the physical condition of the roads and determines the road maintenance and improvements needs and costs. A general prioritization of the road needs is provided, together with a recommended 10 year road improvement plan (2023 to 2032), to assist the Township in the development of a multi-year capital plan that will assist the Township in asset management planning. Half Load RestrictionsReduced load restrictions for Township roads are effect from March 1 to May 15th each year. These dates may be varied due to road conditions. Permits are required to moved excess loads during Half Load season. Please contact the office for further information. General Information
Mailbox PolicyThe Township of Amaranth is committed to providing its residents with a safe and efficient roadway. During the winter season, increased maintenance is required to maintain an acceptable level of service for the travelling public. Unfortunately, winter patrol activities may damage mailboxes or other private features within the Township road allowance. Please see our Mailbox Policy Salt and Winter Maintenance:What can I do at home to help keep salt out of the environment? Adopt-A-Road ProgramAdopt a Road Program is established as a public service program for environmentally conscious citizen volunteers / organizations to pick up litter along Township Right-of-ways.
Treasury | ||||||||||||||||||
Asset Management PlanThe Township of Amaranth is pleased to present the Asset Management Plan as prepared by R. J. Burnside and Associates Ltd. with assistance of funding received under the Ontario Community Infrastructure Funding Program. The asset management strategy provides a long term operating and capital forecast for asset related costs, indicating the requirements for maintaining, rehabilitating, replacing/disposing and expanding the Township's assets.
Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2019-2024Ontario Regulation 397/11, Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plans, requires all broader public sector organizations, including municipalities, to report on their annual energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in designated buildings/facilities by July 1 and to develop and implement a 5 year energy conservation and demand management plans by July 1, 2014. Financial Statements |