Dufferin County Outdoor Recreation Plan

What does recreation mean to you? 

This year, the County of Dufferin is embarking on an extensive public consultation of the Recreational Use Policy for the Dufferin County Forest. The goal is to have a broader Recreation Plan for both the County Forest and on the County-owned Rail Trail, with consideration for best ways to use these spaces, as well as what services and facilities (signs, parking lots, electric vehicle charging stations, portable toilets, picnic shelters, interpretive features, public & volunteer engagement) to implement in the future.

For now, we are looking for public feedback and great ideas

What does your ideal County Forest look like? When you picture the Rail Trail, what do you see? Share your ideas below, and answer our quick survey to help this process get started. Your input will be used to produce a draft recreation plan that will be subject to public review.

Survey participants have a chance to win 1 of 3 $50 gift cards to an independent business of their choice in Dufferin County!

Visit www.JoinInDufferin/RecreationPlan to share your thoughts!

Ideas are due by April 22, 2022.

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